Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hi Everyone: Today was one of those days when I got up let the dog out and fed her and returned to bed. I stayed in my pajamas all day! Well, at least until I called my daughter and found out that her husband and her had been invited to a party. I asked if she wanted me to pickup the boys and bring them here so she would have a little quiet time before her evening outing. So before we went and picked up the boys I brought up the Christmas tree and got it put together and plugged it in. I just love this tree, it is about 7ft. tall and works like an umbrella and it is all pre-lit! So easy. Tomorrow the boys and I will finish putting on the ornaments. I Love getting ready for the Christmas season. We picked up the boys around 3:00 and got home and then got them dressed for some sledding. Yes, I said sledding. We had around 2" of snow Thanksgiving day and there was enough left on the ground for them to have a little fun. PaPa and Grandma tired before they did. We had dinner, and then it was time to swim in the big bath tub as they call it. (That's the Hot tub) So I let PaPa have some one on one with them! :) They are now enjoying some popcorn while watching the Incredible's, then it is off to bed!

I hope that you all had many reason to count your Blessings this past week. I know that I am grateful for every day that God gives me to enjoy my children, grandchildren, family and many friends. I have experienced to many times in my life how in the moment in the tinkling of an eye life on this earth can be over. So don't take it for granted and count each day a blessing.

God Bless until we chat again,

Grandma Cheryl

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and Black friday Sales are over!

Hi all: The last three days have been very busy for me. I started getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner which I hosted in my home for 19 family members. My little house is just to small for the family any more, or maybe I should just say very cozy for 19. I cooked a 24 lbs turkey, cranberries, home made rolls, roasted almonds, made a cranberry white choc. crunch and pineapple cranberry salad. It was also when we celebrated my grandson's birthdays. Jeremiah turned 5 on the 13th November, Elizabeth was born on the 16th and Josiah will be 4 on Tuesday the 27th. So Jeremiah asked for a rocket ship cake and Josiah wanted a treasure chest cake. So I also baked and decorated the two cakes for them. My nephew Adam spent the day with us on Wednesday so He helped me decorate the two cakes and put together the cheese ball we were also having on Thanksgiving day. Thank you Adam!

Everyone left about 7:30 and I quickly loaded the dishwasher and laid down for a nap because my friend Stacey and I were off to the Birch run outlet stores at 10:30 p.m.. It was cold but we made the hour trip north of here and spent 45 minutes waiting on I75 in traffic to exist off the freeway into the outlet mall area. That should of been our first clue that it was going to be a long night. Honestly, I don't know why I thought that no one would be there. We shopped until 2:30 a.m. and then headed to Bob Evans for breakfast. It felt good to sit. We left there and headed south on the freeway toward home and arrived at Kohl's for it early opening of 4:00 a.m.. We found what we were looking for, but the line for the registers was all the way through the store to the back, on both sides. So we returned to the shelves what we thought we needed and headed for Meijers. We found some of what we needed and then headed across the parking lot to Target. We waited in the car for 1/2 hour until Target opened at 6:00 a.m.. It was crazy in there but we found most of what Stacey and I wanted. Then we were off to K-mart, then Walgreen's and we were done!

I got home around 9:00 a.m. and it was long that they exhaustion set in. I got physically ill and went to bed and slept until 1:30. That helped. I am feeling better and finished cleaning up from yesterday. I got dinner for Gary and now we will rest and watch a movie.

Tomorrow I will bring the Christmas tree and decoration up from the basement. I enjoy decorating the house and putting the lights up outside. I did the outside last week when it was still warm and still have a little left to to.

Well, I realized that I am not as young as I use to be and going with out sleep took it tole on me today. Live and Learn! Hope the beginning to this Blessed season is one you are looking forward to.

Chat with you again soon,

Grandma Cheryl

Monday, November 19, 2007

Baby Elizabeth has arrived!

Hi Everyone: Well, the last few days have been really busy. Let me take you back to Thursday November 15th. My husband and I took a ride to our daughters house to help her finish up a few things like putting the crib together, checking on the insulation in their attic. Bringing in two new dresser they had bought. But we when arrived Cristan had taken our two grandsons to the dentist to have their teeth cleaned. She was concerned that she might be in labor but she felt it was the early stages. With in the hour that we were there I could see by the look on her face that the contraction were getting stronger and longer. Her husband wanted to jump in the car and run off to the hospital. They had just had a friend who delivered her second child four weeks ago in the back seat of the church secretary's car. So I understand his nervousness. I told Cristan that I thought she should let me take the boys home for the night and if she didn't end up going to the hospital I would bring them back over for school the next day. She lives about 20 minutes from us. We got ready to leave and before we could put the boys in their car seats Mike our son in-law came out and said I guess were going to the hospital. So we headed home and Cristan and Mike headed for the hospital. We got home about 7:30p.m. and Mike called around 8:30 to tell me that I better get to the hospital because Cristan was dilated to 4. I told him I would be there as soon as possible but I needed to take care of a situation that had developed here. I was getting the boys ready for bed and one ran off to the bathroom then the other and they ended up butting heads! ouch! Josiah my youngest grand-son ended up with a big goose bump on his forehead. So I iced him down and made sure he was ok and left them with papa in bed and headed for the hospital. I arrived at 9:30, I know this because I had to sign in. They directed me to Cristan room and she was getting her epidural. The doctor had just checked her and the nurse said that she was going to turn the lights down and if Cristan needed anything just push her button. Before the Nurse could get to the door, Cristan screamed get the doctor this baby is coming. The nurse didn't believe her but proceeded to turn the lights back on and check Cristan out. She quickly pushed the button and yelled for help because Elizabeth head was almost out. They all hurried to get things ready and told Cristan not to push, but to say the least Elizabeth was born at 10:09 p.m. weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz. She was 20 1/2 inches long and the cutest little peanut you've ever seen. I have had the privilege of being at the birth of all three of my grand-children and am grateful for the chance to watch them come into this world. I know it must be a little different for Mike's mom who was also there, because she moved and stood over Elizabeth as the baby doctor checked her out. Me, well I stayed by my babies side to make sure that she was doing ok. It's one thing to have your own children, but to watch your own child have her is another story. Once again I was reminded of the Love our Heavenly Father has for us and how wonderfully he created us. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been there to welcome Elizabeth into this world. God is good!
Today I finished up my shopping for Thanksgiving and picked up some diapers, wipes and baby shampoo for Cristan. We drove it over to her and she was on the couch feeding Elizabeth, I glanced over to my oldest grand-son Jeremiah who bless his heart had taken a baby doll and had lifted up his shirt and proceeded to feed his baby! Oh what a day to forget my camera. That would of been a great picture to show him at his graduation from High school! :) He loves his sister and just wants to help take care of her. So Cristan is planning on picking up a new baby doll for him, one that he can feed a bottle to, hopefully that will help. I will never forget the look on my husband face when he came up from the basement and said "What is he doing?" We all enjoyed a giggle together. Well, God Bless and we will chat again soon.
Grandma Cheryl

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jeremiah 5th birthday!

Hi Everyone:

First of all I should tell you that I have been on a weight management program through Henry Ford Hospital since Aug. 12th. I went and weighed in this morning and was pleasantly surprised that I was down 5 lbs. My good friend Stacey and I had a ladies weekend away from our families. I really tried to think about my food choices and apparently we didn't do to bad. Plus we walked the outlet stores at birch run and usually I would drive from section to section. So YEA for us! So I have dropped 40 lbs as of today. Then I drove over to my daughters house because today is my first grandson's 5th birthday. A couple weeks ago Jeremiah and I were watching Charoltte's Web and he asked me if I would take him to the fair and get him a pig so he could take care of it. Of course Grandma said yes! He has called and reminded me of my reply twice. So while I was shopping this past weekend I found the cutest little pig. It wiggles it nose, makes snorting noises and even walks! So today I took it over to Jeremiah and he was thrilled. He said "Grandma your the best" He then turned on Wilbur (that's the pig's name of course) and proceeded to get down on the floor and take his little hands and motion for Wilbur to come.
He will never know what a blessing he is to this Grandma who thought she was to young to be blessed with that title! We are now waiting for the arrival of our granddaughter Elizabeth. Our daughter Cristan due date is Nov. 22nd. But she will see the doctor on Friday and if she hasn't delivered by then, they are going to schedule her to be induced. So I will let you know when Elizabeth make her entry into this world. My youngest grandson Josiah is having a little tough time getting ready for his sister arrival. I think he is feeling the pains of being a middle child already. Well that's all for day. May God Bless you all, chat with you soon.

Grandma Cheryl

Grandma Cheryl Lynn first Blog

Hi Everyone and Welcome to my Blog. This is new for me and I am looking forward to sharing with you all. I was thinking about turtles today and how they take their homes with them wherever they go, turtles remind us to remember our roots while still welcoming new places and phases in life. They teach us to appreciate life's simple, true necessities;shelter, food,drink, and most importantly, faith. The turtles slow gait requires the animal to have faith that it will eventually get where it is going and that its needs will be satisfied along the way. What an example to us! Next time I see a turtle It will remind me to be Thankful for the necessities and Thankful that I don't have to carry my shelter on my back! :)

Looking forward to the next time.

Grandma Cheryl Lynn