Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cristan and the boys and Elizabeth dropped by yesterday for a short visit. It's nice to hear Elizabeth cooing! :) The dog startled her today, that's a good sign she is hearing something.

Have a great day!

Grandma Cheryl

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A snowy day at Papa's house

ALong weekend with the Grand-Boys

Hi Everyone: It's been a very busy long weekend here at our home. I picked up the boys, Jeremiah and Josiah on thursday after Jeremiah got out of school and brought them home for a couple days. They played in the snow with PaPa and Great Grandma Eleanor and even got to use the cross country skies. Jeremiah loved it, I'm not so sure Josiah did. On Saturday my sister in-law dropped of my nephew Adam and he spent the day playing in the snow with the boys and relaxing in the hot tub. If you asked Gary I am sure he would tell you relaxing was the word he would use to describ it! :) Cristan and Mike just left with the boys and Listen do you hear that? That's right, it's SILENT! Yea! Love to have them, but it's always nice to send them home. Cristan and Mike spent a couple of hours here so we could also spend some time with Elizabeth. I seem to be having a hard time getting her to allow me to hold her. Cristan thinks she sense's my stress. :( Hopefully it will get better soon. Well, I hope you had a peaceful weekend and like us are looking forward to some Sabbath rest! Chat with you all again soon.

Grandma Cheryl

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hi Everyone: Today was a really long day. Left the house at 7:00 a.m. and headed off to the YMCA for water aerobic's. Didn't really want to go, but I always enjoy it once I get there. Then I got home around 9:15 a.m. and left with Cristan to take Elizabeth to a Resourse center for the visually impaired. We were there until 12:30. It was a lot to take in. But little by little we will work it all out. So much to learn all at once. She did give us lots of help tho. Especially with ideas on how to stimulate her other senses. I am glad that I was able to go with Cristan and be another set of ears for her. Then we were off to the retina surgeon. He said that her eyes look good and that Cristan could discontinue one of the drops. She will have to continue to sleep in her car seat for another 3 weeks. There is still blood in one of her eyes and he hopes that the body will absorb it. That is why he wants her to sleep in an up-right position. Well, that is all for now. Chat with you all again soon.

Grandma Cheryl

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Grandma little Blessings

Elizabeth our beautiful Grand-daughter!
The patch's irrate her skin. Grandma and PaPa have sent away for some glass's for her. When they arrive I will post a picture of her. Her brother Jeremiah thinks she looks like Spider man!
Hi Everyone: It's been a while. The new year has started off with many heartaches for myself as well as my daughter. My grand-daughter Elizabeth had to have surgery on both her eyes last week. The results were not what we were hoping for. Elizabeth has no vision in either of her eyes. After the last surgery the Doctor did give us some hope, he shared that after cleaning the scar tissue from both of her eyes and discovering that her retina are there, this is a small chance that if (God willing) the retina attach then there is some hope that she will be able to see shadows in the future. Shadows would be better then seeing nothing! So our prayer is that the blood behind her eyes are absorbed and that the folded retina's attach themselves.

Through this troubling time a friend reminded me that Jesus had to go through Friday to get to Resuurection Sunday and so do we. We cannot even imagine how Jesus suffered and yet he refused to miss fulfilling his purpose. He reminds me in Jeremiah 29:11 that he has a plan and purpose for Elizabeth! I am trusting him for her future.

Well, I will keep you updated on her progress!